Hedgehog Products

This page used to contain a listing of where to find hedgehog products. At the time this page was created, finding hedgehog friendly items was quite difficult, that has since changed as even the larger petstores are now carrying items that are hedgehog friendly. However, you still need to take care in what you buy.

Many manufacturers are selling items targeted at hedgehog owners. Just because it has a picture of a hedgehog on the packaging does not mean that it is actually a hedgehog friendly item. Below is a listing of items I feel are not appropriate and what items are.

Food and Treats

    There are many foods that are easily found in the big chain pet stores that are appropriate for hedgehogs. Please visit the Diet section of this website for a listing of foods that are commonly recommended by hedgehog owners.

Bedding - Cage liners, snuggle bags, etc


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